Friday's Feel Good Live Better - what being a mum has made me!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

I spend a lot of time talking and listening to parents, it's part of my job and the one thing that is always talked about is how much life has changed for us personally now we have a small person in our life, we tend to focus on the negative impact on ourselves like less sleep, feelings of guilt, how much our bodies have changed and lack of social life and of knowledge of what the latest trend is. I'm guilty of this, I think lots about how life has changed and talk to others about stretch marks, interrupted sleep, no time to do my hair or limits a toddler can put on life when when it comes to being impulsive or spontaneous, but the other day I started to ponder the things about motherhood that had actually changed me for the better, not just seeing your baby smile for the first time but actually made a difference to my character, things that I like about me now more now that I am a mum...

I've got organised
I realised being a parent has made me more of a morning person, I get up early and get things done and I absolutely love this new side of life, which leads me to now finding a way, that works for me, to being more organised, although I still have a fair way to go on this but I like what I'm seeing so far!

I've got less hung up on me
All I really had to think about was what I needed or wanted but becoming a mum has also made me a bit more selfless and much more patient which I am very grateful for, I truly underestimated parenting being such a learning journey about who I can be inside and what my values looked like.

I've got creative
I love that I'm finding a more crafty side to me now through encouraging my daughter to be too, I always felt that it was there but never fully embraced it, since she was born I have learnt massage, how to sew a dress, bake a rainbow birthday cake, craft an Easter Tree, how Zumba (my latest passion) and really started to throw myself in to writing more, although I still don't do as much as I'd like.

I'm seeing new positive sides to me all the time and although parenting can be hard going, it has given me a chance to evolve not just so I can care for my daughter but to also be a better version of me and I like this!


  1. Love this post Karen, I agree completely - it's really good to focus on the positives as well as allow that space to share the challenges with other parents. Having children has done all those things for me too - most of all, I find it's such an amazing stimulus to try to change myself for the better, to show my children that anything is possible for me, and so for them too - and be a positive role model (obviously I don't manage that every day, but that's the aspiration...!)

  2. Love this post Karen, I agree completely - it's really good to focus on the positives as well as allow that space to share the challenges with other parents. Having children has done all those things for me too - most of all, I find it's such an amazing stimulus to try to change myself for the better, to show my children that anything is possible for me, and so for them too - and be a positive role model (obviously I don't manage that every day, but that's the aspiration...!)

  3. So true, I have definitely become a lot less selfish since having children! They have given me a better understanding of what is important in life x
