Mondays Moment of Wisdom - Pearl Number 75

Monday, 24 November 2014

Hey Monday - we finally meet again!

Well I never intended to take maternity leave from the blog but it's been a intense full on couple of months, where spending time with my precious newborn and settling my big girl in to a new way of life has been my only priority. (You can read more about why here) We are kind of living day to day because family life has changed so much but I'm hoping though, that this is me, slowly getting back to a place that I love and feel so passionate about. So with my recent way of life in mind I saw this quote and knew it was perfect for my first Pearls of Wisdom post back to the blog.

Sometimes we get caught up in our past or find ourselves living in the future but never really focus on the now and the here and now is is very important, by crafting yourself a happy and contented day to day life you can let traumas of the past slip away and be ready for when your future dreams, hopes and desires greet you. Knowing that your present moments are what really makes you feel complete you're not then so restricted by what happened before or living for what may or may not happen next, but just being in your everyday, in a way that feels good and watching to see how life unfolds.

This is not to say you should ignore the past and not dream about getting the best in the future, it's so important to deal with those things that weigh you down and keep evolving to in to something new, following your desires and set goals for yourself and your life and with out giving some time to understand these things and manage them properly you may also find yourself stuck, but don't let them take up what's important today, whatever that is for you.

So today try sitting down at the end of your day, devote ten minutes to thinking about what it was like...

What made you smile?
Did something make you feel good, or bad?
What made you feel sad or annoyed?
What were you grateful for?
Is there something you want to do different tomorrow?

Do you feel organised for the week ahead?
What appointments are there?
Are you ready for that interview, deadline, event you are attending?
Have you seen your friends?
Spent time talking to your partner or kids with the TV off?
Is there someone who could benefit from ten minutes or an hour of your time?
Did you read that article you saved or took that class you wanted?

 How do you feel now?

There is a lot going on in your day to day, there is happiness, hope, insight and experiences happening all the time, can you see it? Do you want or need to make some changes or try something new?

One of my favourite bloggers Gala Darling also has some thoughts on living in the present, for more inspiration or if you haven't yet come across her intoxicating blog have a look here.

Everyday is chance, to live your life in a way that makes your day everything you wanted.

So, what are you going to focus on tomorrow?

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