Organising me....

Wednesday 27 November 2013

I always feel better when I organise myself, my life runs smoother, my family get more attention, I'm more creative and feel instantly happier. Making an effort to organise myself makes a huge difference, one I'm starting to take note of and make an effort to do, week on week out.

For me a paper diary is the best tool, I get buzz out of writing it all down, plans, ideas, lists and events, it seems to sink in more. My OH has often in the past encouraged me to use the calendar and to do list on my phone but to me it doesn't feel the same as having a solid diary in my hand.

Being organised with groceries and menus, exercise and activities, chores, errands and work just makes sense, I've had to try out a few different methods to find a system that works for me but I'm almost there now. As a child and definitely as a teenager my mother will tell you I was the most disorganised person going, looking back now I just don't think I had thought of finding a way that worked for me, especially as I grew older, and now that I do, it's so good!

Are your organised or spur of the moment kinda gal?
What helps you get your "thing" together?
Do share tips, ideas and thoughts below! 

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