Monday's Moment of Wisdon - Pearl Number 14

Monday, 14 May 2012

When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another. – Helen Keller.

Yesterday we took LC swimming, we hadn't taken her for such a long time and wanted her to start building her confidence in the pool before our holiday in the sun next month.

At first she freaked out a little and didn't like it, we were trying our best to make it fun but she was unsure. We had been in the pool for about five minutes when another mum got in with her small baby, we said to LC "look at the baby she is having fun, she's not crying" LC looked and the baby's mum asked us about LC and we got talking.

An hour later LC was having fun with daddy I had spent time chatting away and got to know the baby and her mum, LC had relaxed a bit because I had and was splashing around waving at us as we talked and I cooed over the 7 month old baby and LC's daddy joined in at random points as the swam past us and played.

We had lots in common, neither of us was from this area and used to live near each others towns up north, both first time mums and funnily or weirdly (depends which way you want to look at it!) had both name our daughters after different characters from the same TV show (I know I'm sad naming her from a show!).

Soon it was time to get our babies out and go but before we said goodbye the mum I had blabbered away with for the last hour asked if I wanted to meet for coffee which I was very happy to do, we exchanged details (good old facebook!) and went on our way saying how we hope to see each other soon!

This encounter made me think about how things like chance meetings, random acts of kindness and just taking life by the reins impacts not just my life but the others involved and how, if I try my best, give all I can and do let myself be who I want to be I can change my life and others around me for the better!

What a powerful and uplifting thought! So this week when I know so many special people who mean a lot to me are going to go through the highs and lows of life I am going to do everything I can to go through this with them and be my best so that I can change my life and hopefully make a meaningful and positive change in theirs!

Here is a little person who always makes a positive impact on my life!


  1. I love this post! It is so simple to give a little to someone and when you do, the results can be so gratifying. I am always talking to strangers. My sis and Hubby joke about it all the time that I talk to anybody! I've always done it apart from on the Tube. It was a life line when I was stuck at home with a baby and no adult conversation. I had to make it and I did, otherwise I would have gone insane! You made that lady's day just by doing a simple act and it does make you think about the little changes you can make that create big changes in some one elses life. xxx

    1. Thank you, you have no idea how much your support means to me, I too am like you and talk to everyone and any one, you never know how a smile or a bit of courtesy can make someone's day1

  2. A lovely post and well worth the wait :)
    It's a lovely feeling to know that something so simple can have a positive impact on someone else

    1. Thanks, your sweet words are lovely! Appreciate it! x

  3. Another great post. Lovely x

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! x x x

  4. Anonymous10:27 am

    It's hard when you move somewhere new as well. My partner meets the most odd people and nearly had a weird single white female situation happening. It's a case of building confidence I suppose but she has recently met the most adorable babs and some lovely mothers. You have a lovely take on it so keep it up! Such a cute picture as well!


    1. Thank you! It is hard, I knew no one when we moved to where we are now and I've very slowly got to know a few people, it's still hard though to build meaningful relationships! There's nothing like bonding over a bit of isolation lol!
