Weather forecast for today.........big black clouds are rolling in!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Today I woke up with enthusiasm and motivation, great! But soon things went quickly down hil, I had already thought about my obsitcles and decided that to get on with my day and feel good about it I would just completely remove it, BUT after an incident occurred to remove it became no longer an option. This made me really mad and completely knocked me back, not so much the fact that I was no longer moving the obsitcles but the emotion that came and settled in me in the aftermath of the incident! I wish I had dealt with it then but I wasn't the right time and to be honest this conversation has been had a thousand times and nothing seems to change, it feels like I'm talking to a brick wall!

So I feel angry and sad, which leads me to feeling pointless and low and not wanting to spark into action in making my life the best it can be, which just leads me to feel more angry and sad!!

I have been trying to think about my pearl of wisdom, what advice would I give me?

This reminds me of something I read on having a compassionate mind and by accepting my feelings and showing myself some kindness can help to start lifting me up. I do want these black clouds to roll away but am not sure how long it will take, but I can start by stepping outside of myself for a minute and give myself a hug and some kind uplifting words, and hopefully this will help.

Thing is, now it seems like I don't just have one obsitcles to over come today but many.....sigh!

1 comment:

  1. I hate days like this, hope it gets better soon x
